Can I have a sexual relationship with an elderly woman?
Q: I am 34 years old and I am falling in love with an older woman. She is 58 years old and is my ex-girlfriend's mother. After I split with her daughter (we dated for 11 years) we kept in touch. I visit her sometimes when my ex-girlfriend isn't home. Her husband died 6 months ago. He betrayed her for years, but they never split up. She isn't so beautiful but has a beautiful body for her age. My questions are: can I keep having sexual intercourse with her at this age? She wants anal sex? Is it possible for a 58-year-old-lady?
A:To enter into a relationship of any kind is purely a matter of personal choice. We don’t have any comments to offer on that. Yes, you can have sexual intercourse with her at this age. There are no problems with any of the issues that you have mentioned. However, do think seriously about the repercussions such a relationship might bring for you. Please don't forget - there is a good 25 years age difference between you and her. Still, as we said earlier, the choice is entirely yours.