Can depression be faked?
Q: Can somebody fake depression? I mean, in certain fronts one says I can't do this because I don't have the mood. Throwing tantrums and make others feel that it is under the bout of the persons depressive condition, and get aggressive on the slightest pretext; whereas enjoys doing pleasurable activities. Can drive 5-6 hours a day, long distance and can do activities just related to oneself. Can a person be in the depressive condition for years? Please advise.
A:Your question has several parts to it, so I shall answer it accordingly. First, yes, depression can run longer, if not treated, it could be long term, dysthymia is an illness wherein a person has long continuos low depression that runs for more than two years. And yes, people can try and fake any illness - physical or psychological, but the specialist (psychiatrist) would be able to screen fake illness from the medical illness. Depression doesn't come in bouts, lasting for a few hours or so, it is a pervasive continuos sadness that persists for atleast a fortnight. Also tantrum throwing, fluctuations of mood, easy irritability, are not necessarily symptoms of depression. These symptoms can be a part of some personality disorder if the person has had these symptoms since adolescence or early adulthood, at the same time these could be symptoms of some other psychiatry problem. I would suggest that for any emotional disturbance that you are going through, if you would take the help of a psychiatrist in your city it would be beneficial. As by what you have described, its not very clear as to what all is going on with the affected person, also in tantrum behaviour and aggressive outbursts, a personal session with a psychiatrist would be of greater help.