Can being brought up in a protective environment lead to problems?
Q: Can bringing up children in a protective and too controlled an environment result in mental problems? I am a 32 years old woman who has been bought up in a very controlled and protective environment. My mother’s presence makes me feel worse. Please advise.
A:Anything out of balance can lead to a problem, children need some amount of protection and control, it helps them to feel secure and form secure attachments. But if they are overprotected and over controlled, it can certainly at times lead to relationship, attachment, self-esteem, or personality problems later on in adulthood.
If you have noticed you have any problems, my advice would be know the cause and not doing anything about it is not enough. Your parents must have had reason to bring you up the way they have; it could be they did not know any other way. Now it is your time to get help, therapy does help. All parents as a rule want best for their child.