Am I suffering from mental disorder?
Q: I am 54 years old male. At the slightest emotional disturbance, even a scene from a movie makes my teeth chatter and the coordination between the two eyes are lost that means I begin to see two images of any object. Within seconds I collapse to the floor, unable to move even an eyelid but I am conscious and can think well. Once I fall down the problem vanishes. A neurologist suggested use of clofranil and losar. Since there was no positive reaction the doctor suggested to use methylphenidate 1/2 a tablet every morning. Have you encountered anybody having similar problems? If so, then please help.
A:Your description suggests non-epileptic attacks which means that your attacks are not epileptic fits (as you are fully aware during the attack, remember the attack details and able to think). Since these attacks are brought about by emotional triggers, it is likely that these have a deep psychological basis. You will be best served by a good psychoanalyst and psychotherapist. However, since you are 50 plus, a baseline evaluation of your cardiovascular functions and brain vasculature may be rewarding. Also, a neurologist interested in sleep medicine should be consulted as sometimes profound loss of muscle power with slumps precipitated by emotional triggers (like even laughing) have been described in patients with certain sleep disorders. Although, I have not encountered any patient exactly with your kind of symptomatology but have seen lots of patients who have various combinations of apparent loss of consciousness, unresponsiveness, visual hallucinations, visual blurring, oscillatory visual phenomenon with or without motor manifestations and falls precipitated by emotional triggers.