Sebaceous hyperplasia guide
Sebaceous hyperplasia
What is it?
Sebaceous hyperplasia is a common harmless enlargement of the skin oil glands affecting the face and resulting in yellow growths. Though it is not a dangerous condition, it may be a cause of embarrassment for the patient. Middle-aged or slightly older men are more prone to this skin disease than others. Those with a history of this skin disease in their families should contact a dermatologist if they notice any skin eruption.
What are the causes?
Though the exact cause of sebaceous hyperplasia is unknown yet, the skin disorder tends to run in families. The good thing is that the condition is not contagious.
What are the symptoms?
Those with sebaceous hyperplasia tend to have: Single or multiple lesions. Eruptions near the oil glands–nose, cheeks, and forehead, chest, upper arms, mouth lining, vulvar area, and around the nipples. Lesions that are small (2–9 mm), painless, whitish-yellow-to-pink or skin-coloured bumps, often with a central depression or dimple.
What is the treatment?
Although there is no need for a treatment as sebaceous hyperplasia settles on its own, a lot of people who contract this skin disease do not want to wait and want an immediate treatment. The dermatologist may prescribe creams or gels like tretinoin that help treating the problem. This cream helps preventing the problem from getting worse but it does eliminate the skin condition slowly. A rather powerful drug that called Accutane can be used. But once you stop using it, then the skin disease might come back. So, one needs to keep using this drug regularly to make sure that you don’t contract sebaceous hyperplasia again.
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