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Try This 7-Exercise Leg Workout By Kayla Itsines For Perfect Butt And Toned Legs

Here is an interesting legs workout shared by Kayla Itsines on her Instagram. The workout includes a mix of seven leg exercises which can be easily done at home.

Legs workout by Kayla Itsines includes exercises like sumo squats and jump lunges

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We all dread "leg day" at the gym! So much so, that we make way for numerous excuses to miss gym on leg day, or miss on days after a leg day. Nonetheless, leg workouts are an important part of fitness. Apart from helping us have perfectly toned legs and thighs, leg workouts help in improving the ability to engage in cardiovascular exercises and lifting. The stronger your legs are, the better will your endurance and core strength be. So in case you dread the weights and leg workout machines more than you actually dread leg workouts, Kayla Itsines has an interesting legs workout for you.

In the video below, Kayla shares 7 exercises for a perfect leg day in your fitness routine. All you need to do is follow them with the right technique to gain maximum benefits from the exercises.



LEGS LEGS LEGS! The number for today is 12 !!! Try 12 reps per exercise for 3 rounds today ladies!! . Jump Squats Knee up Step ups Jump Lunges Static lunges Sumo squats Mountain climbers (30) . YOU GOT THIS!! . www.kaylaitsines.com/app

A post shared by KAYLA ITSINES (@kayla_itsines) on

The seven leg exercises which Kayla Itsines includes for an effective leg workout are: 

1. Jump squats: 12 reps, 3 sets

2. Knee Ups: 12 reps, 3 sets

3. Step Ups: 12 reps, 3 sets

4. Jump Lunges: 12 reps, 3 sets

5. Static Lunges: 12 reps, 3 sets

6. Sumo squats: 12 reps, 3 sets

7. Mountain climbers: 30

Benefits of legs workout exercises suggested by Kayla Itsines

1. Jump squats: An advanced version of simple squats, jump squats are more intense squats which can help in burning more calories than simple squats. They help in toning calves, butt, hamstrings, core, quadriceps and core. The exercise is also great for improving muscle mass.

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2. Knee up: For doing this exercise, you will need a bench. See how exactly it is done in the video. This exercise helps in developing strength and endurance of hip flexors - these are the muscles which lift knees and prevent plodding in the running stride. Knee ups help in developing strength and endurance of hips and facilitate more efficient running.

3. Step ups: You would require a bench for doing step ups as well. This exercise will help you improve symmetry and balance, while increasing your strength to do squats and deadlifts. They train explosiveness of leg muscles and increase lower body strength.

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4. Jump Lunges: Jump lunges are an advanced version of lunges. They are an excellent cardiovascular exercise which helps in bringing improvement in your body strength and power. The exercise challenges dynamic stability and coordination and target the butt, calves, hamstrings and quads.

5. Static lunges: Static lunges are great for toning your butt, increasing your core strength, maintaining balancing and improving hip flexibility. Make sure you do them with the right technique by being in the right posture and bending as much as required. Watch video for reference.

6. Sumo squats: Sumo squats are another advanced version of squats, which are done by keeping your leg at a wider distance. Your feet need to be pointing outwards while doing sumo squats. Because of the different position, muscles emphasized in sumo squats are different from traditional squats. Sumo squats emphasise more on the butt and thigh adductors - which move your legs inwards towards the body.

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7. Mountain climbers: Mountain climbers are perfect strength training exercise. They work on several muscle groups and joints simultaneously. The steady running motion which it involves, helps in improves glutes and leg muscles including quadriceps and hamstrings.

So get up and burn some calories with this amazing legs workout by none other than Kayla Itsines.

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