Will my child's eye power come down with age?
Q: My son is just 4 years old and already he is having + 4.5 power in both his eyes. I want to know whether the power will reduce as and when he grows up or is there any nutritious diet like raw carrots and leafy vegetables with the help of which we can bring down the power. We are pure vegetarian. My husband also had this power right from the age of 8 years.
A:Children who have mild to moderate amount of hypermetropia may find that as they grow, the power of the glasses tends to reduce. However at +4.5 some residual power may persist into adulthood as well. Green leafy vegetables, fruits etc help the general nutrition and health of the eye, but do not directly help to reduce the refraction. A positive family history of hypermetropic (father with same power) suggests that the childs refractive error may persist.
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