Why is there pus after the removal of uterus and ovaries?
Q: My aunt is 40 years old. Three months back due to heavy bleeding and endometriosis they removed her uterus and then they found a cyst and also removed the ovaries. She travelled to Saudi Arabia after 4 weeks and now again has severe pain and the doctor says that she has pus. What should be done now?
A:It is really difficult to answer your question, without details of the course after surgery and the reports of the latest investigations. You have not mentioned where the pus is. If it is inside the abdomen (tummy) they will have to perform surgery to drain the pus; but without complete details of the site and amount of pus, it is difficult for me to answer in detail. If your aunt went to Saudi Arabia 4 weeks after surgery, she must have been OK and the doctor who operated upon her must have seen her, before permitting her to leave. So this pus may be unrelated to the surgery.