Why is there a yellow tinge in my eyes?
Q: I am a 25 years old software professional. Since some time I have a yellow tinge in the visible part of the eye. The rest is white in colour and my eye also has small brown spots. I have consulted many eye specialists and they say this is a case of chronic allergy and not dryness. I want to know is there any way the yellow tinge can be removed since I look drunk with it? I do not have any vision problem.
A:The colour of the white portion of the eyes (known as sclera) is decided to a certain extent by heredity and also by environmental pollution. In case the skin pigmentation is high, as in Indians in general, the pigmentation of the sclera is also more, leading to a yellowish or slate grey colouration. This cannot be altered. The environmental factor can be rectified by using dark glasses when going outdoors and washing the eyes regularly with cool water and avoiding dusty environments.
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