Why is my finger paining?
Q: I am 32 years old and had a small accident few years back in, which I received a few stitches on my right index finger. My finger works all well but since last few days I am experiencing acute pain in the lower half of the finger and some stiffness as well. I am not able to decide which doctor to visit - a skin specialist or a surgeon. Please advise a doctor and the reason for the pain.
A:The fact that you had stitches in your finger at the time of injury suggests that possibly your injury was a significant injury. However, it is very unusual that you present symptom few years after the injury. You could be having morning stiffness and pain, which could get worst during cold weather or rainy season. This is quite common in hand injuries occur because of residual stiffness in the joints. All that means is regular exercises to minimize the residual stiffness of your fingers. It is also possible that your current symptom is totally unrelated to your old injury. This can be distinguished only on careful clinical examination. You need to show yourself to an orthopaedic surgeon. Skin specialists are unlikely to be helpful in this regard.