Why haven't I got my periods after coming off the pill?
Q: I am 26 years old. I have been on the pill for about 5 years. I came off the pill 6 months back because I wanted to start a family. My first period came after 8 weeks, my second after 5. And since then I haven't had a period. Its been 14 weeks now. I am not pregnant and have been to doctors who say it is nothing to worry about, but I am concerned. I did go on a diet and lost nearly a stone, but I have stopped dieting and have started to put weight back on. Also, I was taking Folic Acid, but have stopped now because of my loss of period. Do you have any ideas what it could be?
A:It is not unusual to have amenorrhaea (no periods) for up to 6-8 months after stopping the pill. Your hormonal system is taking time to adjust to the new situation. Your doctors are correct in advising you to wait for a while before taking any action.