Why hasn't my vision improved after cataract surgery?
Q: I am 58 years old. I underwent cataract operation 3 months ago. For the last 4 years, I was under the treatment for cystoid macular oedema. I was treated with local steroids. Post-operative vision is not better than 6/24. I have undergone phaco emulsification. The letters look smaller and distorted after surgery. Post operative puncture of post capsule was also done, but the problems do not seem to be solved. Please guide.
A:Considering you have suffered from cystoid macular oedema for last 4 years. Your retina is more or less permanently scarred and as a result your central vision is not going to improve much, inspite of successful cataract surgery and laser treatment. You could try to use magnifying glasses to see if it improves your reading vision. Good news is that your vision is not going to get worse or you will not go blind as a result of this condition. Take plenty of fruits and green vegetables as antioxidants containing selenium and Zinc are thought to have some beneficial effects on these.
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