Why has my mother lost her vision after a cataract surgery?
Q: My 56 years old mother underwent left eye cataract operation a week back. Initially, her vision was good but after a day, she complained of some floating objects in the eye, which was operated upon. The doctor said it is normal and prescribed her TM PLUS eye drops. On the following day, when she woke up, her vision was totally lost. She couldn't see anything. She was taken to the hospital immediately and the doctor told us that she had some swelling in her eye, which will get treated in a day or two. Though he assured us that she'll get her vision back, we are worried. Please put some light on this case.
A:Cataract surgery by phacoemulsification is by far a very safe surgery. In rare situations, there may be more inflammation in the eye than expected and that may cause floaters and blurring of vision. In such a situation the fluid from the eye has to be tested to rule out infection, which is an even rare possibility. Both rare situations can be controlled very well with medication and appropriate management. Make sure to be under care of your primary surgeon and follow his advice without fail.
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