Why does my son have cylindrical eye power at this young age?
Q: My 6-year-old son has cylindrical power of +1.5 in both eyes. Why does he have cylindrical eye power at this young age? I have heard that this can be corrected by certain exercises and food habits. Is this true? Can we go for lasik laser surgery to correct his eye power? Or do we let him wear contact lenses? Will his eye power increase further?
A:Your son's cylindrical power is due to refractive error, which can occur in any person at any age. It is not curable by eye exercise or eating certain foods. At this age, glasses may be preferred more so because his eye power is not so high. Lasik laser vision correction can be done after 18 years of age when the eye power is stable. It cannot be predicted whether the eye power will increase nor can it be prevented.
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