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Why does my breast pain after mammography?

Q: I am a 29 years old woman, who underwent mammography recently but the result was negative. Now, after mammography there is a little pain in my breast whenever it is touched. What is the cause for the pain in my breast? Is there any problem or is it due to tiredness? Is repetitive mammography harmful? How can breast cancer be detected? I have no child and my thyroid treatment is going on.

A:Let me start by telling you the fact that since you are only 29, mammography is not indicated for you as a screening tool. In younger females, the breast tissue is dense and mammography may not give the desired results. Mammography as a screening tool is only indicated for females above the age of 40. The problem that you have mentioned seems to be due to a condition known as fibroadenosis. In this condition the breasts may be painful, more so during the menstrual periods. Mammography is nothing but X Ray of the soft tissues of the breast and doing mammography without any reason entails absorbing X rays into the body, which may be harmful in the longer run. It is always wise to keep the level of radiation exposure to the minimum (ALARA - As Low As Reasonably Achievable). Being aware and being vigilant is the only way to detect breast cancer early. In ladies with a family history of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and cancer of the colon the risk of getting breast cancer is compounded and they have to be extra vigilant. As far as your case is concerned, be aware and be vigilant. Practice Breast Self Examination(BSE) regularly and live life happily. Do not forget to get a physical examination done by a doctor once a year.


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