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Why do my stitches still bleed after 3 months of c-section?
Q: I am a 27 years old female. I had a c-section delivery three months back and my stitches still bleed. It doesn’t pain but I am really worried. The doctor says I am allergic to vicryl. Is it normal?
A:It may be vicryl allergy, but this is not common. In fact, I have never really seen such a case. A more likely possibility is a small wound infection. If three months have passed, you may require a small surgery, perhaps under local anaesthesia. The doctor may find an infected stitch, and will take it out.
Another possibility is tuberculosis of the wound. This is very rare, and tends to occur after laparoscopy, not caesarean section. Nevertheless, in a wound draining for three months your doctor should think of this.
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