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Why do I have thread like substances in my eyes?

Q: I have a peculiar eye problem. A thread like stuff comes out from my eyes. I was using contact lenses, but discontinued them due to this and now I am using glasses. I have a sedentary job and mostly have to work on computers. I am using Gentamycin. But the problem still persists. Some thread like thing and some fluid comes out even if I remove it after 15 minutes. How can I get rid of this problem?

A:This is a harmless condition called vitreous floater. This usually happens to myopic or shortsighted people as you seem to be. It can happen to anybody and usually only noticeable when you look in bright light or bright white background. It does not require treatment but does not disappear either. Some times it can be associated with retinal tear or detachment or vitreous haemorrhage in which case it can affect vision but if it is long standing like in your case it is not going to cause any problem and you learn to live with it.


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