Why do I have breast pain?
Q: I had breast pain in the lower quadrant of the left breast for the last six months. I had a baby in 1997 by caesarian operation. I consulted my doctor regarding the pain which aggravated with periods. The doctor initially advised me Proxivon for 7 days with Bestovit and Primerose for 2 months. There was temporary improvement but it again aggravated. I again consulted my doctor who advised an FNAC test which showed: There are small and large monolayered clusters of benign cubodial cells. The cellularity is variable. In addition there are scattered oval naked nuclei and biopolar cells. Finger like ductal structures are noted. Occasional apocrine cells are seen. The background is clear. No evidence of any malignancy. Diagnosis: Breast left - Fibroadenosis. Based on this report my doctor suggested that there is no need for surgery and advised me the following medicines: 1. Zendol (50 mg) 1X2 - 3 months; 2. Prima 1X1 - 3 months. Now my questions are: Am I being treated correctly or I need a second opinion? What I gather from my limited knowledge is that the drug named Zendol consists of Danozol, which is an orally active impeded testosterone derivative. Is it safe to take this drug? Incidentally I am of 35 years of age and the possibility of a second baby cannot be ruled out. I have still not started the drug. The pain has again aggravated and there is swelling around the armpit. Should I go for a more through check up again? If I need any further medical attention, which are the hospitals/medical institutions you suggest? I hope you will kindly reply to my queries as I am passing my days in mental agony.
A:It appears from your reports that you are suffering from the benign disease of the breast - fibroadenosis. It is painful but not life threatening at all. The treatment suggested by your doctor is OK but if you are planning for a child, then you should not take this medicine because of the hormonal changes this drug causes. For pain relief, simple drug like nimulid may be taken once or twice a day. If you still have a doubt of cancer, you may go for breast mammogram and ultrasound of the breasts.