Why did my periods occur twice in one month?
Q: I am 25 years old. Last month I got my periods twice. First was 5 days before my expected menstrual date, which lasted for only 2.5 days and then 2 weeks later I had them again, which lasted for 7 days. I have a history of polymyositis. My periods are normal every month and only last for 3 days. What could be the reason for this?
A:In general, one episode of inter-menstrual bleeding should not be of concern. If the pattern continues, you may want to talk to your gynaecologist. Are you taking any medicines for your polymyositis? If so they might be contributing. Some times increased stress, or other emotional upheavals may cause erratic periods temporarily. Have you ever had a pelvic exam? Please consider it. Are you married? Are you taking any form of contraceptive pills? All these factors could effect your cycle.