Why are amixide and citopam prescribed?
Q: My teacher lost his balance while walking. He did all types of tests and is taking medicines too. Some doctors say that he has a nerve problem due to which he will not be able to walk properly. He doesn't have any other problems like blood pressure, cholesterol, sugar etc. He is taking medicines like Amixide-H, Citopam 10 and Cobamet. For what are we using these medicines?
A:Amixide-H is an irrational combination of two drugs called amitryptyline and chlordiazepoxide. Such a product is not approved in any advanced country. In India, it is used for mental disorders like depression. Citopam contains a medicine called citalopram. It is used in major depressive illnesses. Both the drugs have many side effects and should only be prescribed by psychiatrists (doctors of mental illnesses).