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Why am I not conceiving inspite of everything being normal?

Q: I got married two and a half years back and have not conceived yet. I don't have any health problem and my menstrual cycle is 26 days. I got a scan done and everything was normal. HSG was also done after which my doctor did a D&C and told me to wait for another 3 months. Now, I am taking Siphene 200 mg and Duphaston. Please tell me is this is a big problem? Do I need any further treatment?

A:If ultrasound and D&C are normal there is no need to take Siphene, that too in this high dose of 200 mg. Siphene is given when anovulation is documented (i.e. egg or ovum is not developing). Duphaston is usually given in such cases to overcome any possibility of progesterone hormone deficiency (corpus luteum insufficiency). Siphene needs to be taken under strict supervision- monitoring by ultrasound, cervical score and post coital test. If not monitored, you can have problems- one of these called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can be dangerous.


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