Why am I not being able to conceive; what should we do?
Q: I got married last year and conceived within three months but it was a blighted ovum, so the doctor did D&C. Then we gave a gap of 6 months and then I conceived again. It was an ectopic pregnancy. The doctors did laparotomy and removed the left fallopian tube. Why did this happen? Is it because of any physical disorder? Please suggest if any tests need to be done to avoid such a problem in future? For how many months do we need to give a gap for next conception and when can be have sex?
A:You will need to consult an infertility specialist now and may need treatment with IVF or test-tube baby which is fairly expensive - almost 50,000 per cycle if you can afford it or plan for adoption. It is pointless going into the fault at this point. The tests to be done will be for checking if the tubes are normal or not by an HSG, or later-on a diagnostic laparoscopy; but only after a gap of at least 6 months. Other blood and urine tests and tests for checking normal ovulation can be considered after a period of three months. Normal sexual life can be resumed after 4 weeks. In the mean time you could get a semen test and a semen culture to see if there is any chronic infection which can be treated.