Why am I having continuous bleeding for 20 days?
Q: I am a 25 years old woman married since 3.5 years and had polycystic ovaries due to which I was not conceiving for about 1.5 years. The doctor gave me Duphaston and after 3 cycles I conceived and had a normal delivery. After delivery, my periods came for just one day in the 6th and 7th month. I had missed period in the 8th month then it came for a week in the 9th month. Now in the 10th month, it has been 20 days and my periods have not stopped yet. Now I have started having Duphaston again for the last 3 days. How can I stop the bleeding? I am still breastfeeding my child and I do not want any birth control pills. Please advise.
A:Menses when they return after delivery can be heavy for a few cycles, till it settles itself. Symptomatic treatment during the period with hormone progesterone, and /or tranexamic acid and meftal spas would control blood loss. Iron tablets to prevent anaemia along with vit C can be taken for 3- 4 months depending on haemoglobin (Hb) levels. An ultrasound examination to rule out problems like endometrial hyperplasia, polyp, fibroid, or any other lesion, must be done. Once the bleeding stops, and cause if found treated, contraception with injectable progesterones - DMPA 3monthly is a good option to restore heavy menses as well as provide contraception.
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