Why am I getting heavy flow and pain during my periods?
Q: I am a 29 years old woman. I had a baby three years back by C-section. For the past one year, I am experiencing heavy flow and pain during my periods. What is more disturbing is that I get big clots in the flow. Moreover, I have gained around 10 kg weight in the past one year. My T3 & T4 tests and the Pelvic ultrasound has been examined by a doctor, who says they are okay. Recently, (10 days back) I have started taking Mala-N. Can it help? Suggest suitable treatment and tests, if required.
A:A female can experience heavy menstrual flow, post caesarean, post normal delivery, menarche, post abortion etc. Balanced healthy diet along with exercises would be advisable for weight gain. You may continue taking Mala-N for around 6 cycles. This will regularise your periods and also minimise blood flow to some extent. In addition, ethamsylate tablets twice or thrice a day will also help to reduce blood flow. Do check your haemoglobin. If it is less than 10 mg%, you will have to take iron tablets along with a diet rich in iron.