Which lens is better for implantation in the eye?
Q: My father was told by the doctor to get an operation done to change right eye lens for the problem of less vision. The doctors ask as to which lens would we prefer according to their price, but we don't know. Please suggest me which lens would be better for him? Are all lenses equally fitted or it depends on status of eye?
A:It is true that there are several types of lenses that can be implanted and their prices are different. Generally speaking, the foldable lenses are about 3 to 5500, and are better as they can be inserted through a smaller incision after the phacoemulsification technique. This gives early improvement of vision after surgery as the astigmatism is less. No sutures are applied. In the other types of lenses the incision has to be increased to 5 or 6 mm to insert the non foldable lenses. the latter may be as cheap as Rs 500 or even free if through Government supply.
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