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Which is better - Zyoptics or Lasik?
Q: I am 27 years old and have been wearing glasses since I was 13 years old. My power is -7 and -6. I want to go in for Zyoptics Lasik. I am not aware of the difference between the two procedures. Also I would like to know, which one should I go in for? I am very sceptical about the procedure, since I feel its better to stay with glasses instead of losing my eyesight.
A:Zyoptics is a more refined and recent form of LASIK. The outcome is supposed to be better and more predictable. In view of complications, the success rate cannot be guaranteed in 100% of cases. Considering this, if you can put up with glasses or contact lenses, I would advise you against any surgery. Glasses or contact lenses are reversible but LASER surgery is not.
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