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When will I conceive?
Q: I am a 31 years old woman having a 26-day cycle and my ovulation happens on the 20th day. Hence the period between my ovulation and the next menstruation cycle is only 5-6 days. I am now trying to conceive. Also, there is not enough lubrication while we have intercourse and hence I feel discomfort and irritation. How can I improve this?
A:I do not know how you have documented that you ovulate on Day 20. In any case, if there are only 5-6 days after ovulation before you bleed, it is unlikely you will conceive. You need to have at least 14 days after ovulation for conception to occur. I suggest you consult an experienced gynaecologist for:
- Documenting when ovulation is actually occurring (by ultrasound).
- For treatment of luteal phase defect (if it is there).