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What to do in case of a tight foreskin over the penis?

Q: I am 25 and have a thin foreskin which is not circumcised. Will it affect having intercourse in anyway and till what age can I be circumcised? Actually, there is a skin tag or a vein which attaches my foreskin to the head of my penis. The skin is very thin and is attached to the opening of the foreskin and is connected to the tip of my penis, (its less than a cm) making it difficult for me to move the foreskin backward easily. (I guess there should be ample flexibility of the foreskin backwards to make the tip come out). During erection, I am only able to move the skin backward by quarter of an inch, if I try more, its painful but its easy to move it forward in the normal position. Since the skin is attached to the foreskin and the tip, it gives a small opening but otherwise I don't have any problem while masturbating, as I am conscious of the problem and don't push it hard. I have not had any sexual experience yet but I am sure that this is going to cause problems while having intercourse. Will I have to go for a surgery; if yes how long will the surgery and recovery take? Please help as I am about to be married by the year end.

A:You can get circumcision at any time but it is better to get it done early as it takes upto one month for complete healing to enable you to have sex. In your case it seems to be the frenulum which is tight. It can also be treated by Frenuloplasty in which the tightness can be corrected and circumcision avoided. You can see a urologist for this.


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