What sort of an eye disorder do I have?
Q: I am blind since birth. The cause of this is that the macula in my eye does not function properly. There are areas that do not allow enough light to pass through them. So far, no one has been able to place a name on this condition. In fact I haven't met anyone who has ever seen this before. The effect on my vision is similar to that of a person with macular degeneration. However, my eye condition is stable. I am just wondering if there is a name for this type of thing and if there are any procedures that may help my vision?
A:I presume the condition you have is called Best disease (Vitelliform macular dystrophy) or Stargardts disease. Unfortunately, there is no satisfactory treatment for this. If that is the case, you must be careful in having your children as the disease can be inherited.
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