What should one do during pregnancy?
Q: My wife is pregnant (checked with a pregnancy test kit) I want to know the symptoms of pregnancy because according to you she should have frequent urination and feel heavy in her abdomen. She had this only for a few days but not now. We have not approached any doctor so far. Last year also she was pregnant but had a miscarriage in the second month. Please tell me what care should we take, what should we do now and how to check that everything is normal.
A:Congratulations and very good wishes for a smooth pregnancy for your wife! Some women do have the problem of frequent urination in the early part of their pregnancy but this is not a hard and fast rule. What is highly recommended at this point is that you get a book titled What to expect when you are expecting. You can find the details of this in the medical publications section of our website. Meanwhile here are a few important dos and dont's - Your wife should start having Folic Acid (Cobadex forte or Becosules etc.) once a day, plenty of fruits and green vegetables, milk, egg, yoghourt, avoid carrying weights or doing any vigorous exercise for the time being particularly in view of her earlier miscarriage. The first three months are very important for the well-being of both the baby and mother. She requires regular check-ups by her obstetrician so you should choose one now with whom you are both comfortable and who is attached to a good hospital where her weight, blood tests, urine, blood pressure and fetal heart sounds can be periodically checked up and she can be given her Anti-tetanus shots at the right time.
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