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What should I do to improve my haemoglobin level?
Q: I am a 26 years old and 6 weeks pregnant woman. I got my thyroid and haemoglobin test done in which T3 and T4 were in the normal range but TSH was 16.2 and haemoglobin was 6.4 g/100 ml. I am taking Thyroxine 100 mg for the last 3 months. Will there be any complications in my pregnancy? What should I do to increase my haemoglobin levels?
A:You must see a good obstetrician. If the TSH level after taking Thyroxine is 16, you must increase the dose by 50 mg and recheck the levels again after 3 weeks and increase the dose if they do not come below 5 Uiu/ml. For your haemoglobin, get complete blood picture done along with Hb electrophoresis and then start with appropriate medicines along with Iron.
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