What precautions do I need to take during pregnancy?
Q: I am 24 years old and seventh months pregnant. What precautions should be taken while performing my daily chores? What is the ideal diet?
A:Regarding precautions in daily activities, it depends upon whether you are a working woman or a housewife. If you are working, what is your profession? Generally, we advise not to drive a two-wheeler, and even a car (after eight months). To travel to work, avoid auto rickshaws - car is good. Wear flat and comfortable footwear. Hold on to railings while climbing or descending stairs or ramps. Do not scrub your feet (especially soles) with soap when standing in bathroom - you can slip and that can be very dangerous and serious. Better to avoid sex. Avoid lifting heavy weights - like buckets of water, etc. Diet will depend upon your pre-pregnancy weight - was it normal or not, your present condition (do you have high BP, diabetes, etc.), and the growth of your baby (is he / she growing normally). If everything is normal you need to take at least 2200 kcal with 1 g / kg body weight of proteins (if doing normal work). Roughly a day's diet would be:
- Breakfast: 1 cup of tea / coffee, porridge and 2 or 3 toasts with butter or cheese and 1 egg (any form) or 4 idlis or 2 medium-sized dosas with some paneer burji
- Mid-morning: some fruit - banana, apple, chickoo, etc. and fruit juice
- Lunch: One and half katori of boiled t/ steamed rice or 3 chapatis (medium size), 1 katori dal, 2 vegetable preparations: (1 red /orange and 1 green: pumpkin or carrots or tomato and methi or palak or green peas), 1 small bowl of curd / buttermilk, some salad (wash vegetables properly)
- Tea: 1 cup of tea / coffee, some biscuits
- Dinner: same as lunch
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