What kind of problem may arise in pregnancy after 30 years of age?
Q: I am a 29 years old working man and at the is in the verge of taking a decision of my marriageiage. The girl is 31.5 years old and I came to know that girls after 30 have poor chances of pregnancy and may have difficulty in sexual relationship. I know the girl very well as we both studied from the same college. She is very good in nature and we both love each other. But while considering the age I am a bit confused. Please tell me what kind of problems may arise regarding late pregnancy.
A:The decision to marry or not to marry has to be yours alone. As far as pregnancy complications is concerned, there is a minimally increased risk of some conditions like Down's syndrome, but is still a low risk, and easily handled these days with tests available and ultrasound facility. In fact, many women prefer now to have children late and even later than 35 years if they are handling a career as well. Regarding inability to have sex after 30-is some absolute rubbish. These days' women are sexually active even after 50 years or after menopause too. I can suggest to you that when you decide about affairs of the heart, let your heart take the decision. Several problems arise in any marriage other than related to pregnancy alone, like, social, adjustments with each other and family and no marriage is free of these. Bonds strengthen with handling things together, and for that you need a companion who can be by your side through thick and thin, and for that love is an important ingredient.