What is the treatment of breast cancer?
Q: My sister has cancer of the right breast and lymph node. Her FNAC report shows - Site & Gross: 1.5 c.m. in diameter solitary right axillary lymph node. Report: Smears show a reactive lymphoid background in which are present clusters of pleomorphic epithelial cells. These cells have large hyperchromatic nuclei and variable amount of cytoplasm. Diagnosis: Right axillary lymph node - Metastatic infiltrating duct carcinoma. I would like to know if it is curable? Patients age is 40yrs (female). Financial condition is very bad because her husband is now jobless. So please send me mail with your sugession and help us to survive.Thanking You Yours faithfully Hiranmoy Roy class="text">My one relative is likely suffering from cancer of the right breast and lymph node . Her FNAC report shows - Site & Gross : 1.5 c.m. in diameter solitary right axillary lymph node.MATERIAL ASPIRATED : PARTICULATE.Report : Smears show a reactive lymphoid back ground in which are present clusters of pleomorphic epithelial cells. These cells have large hyperchromatic nuclei and variable amount of cytoplasm.Digonosis: Right axillary lymph node - Metastatic infiltrating duct carcinomaSir I would like to know if it is curable? Patient age is 40yrs (female)Financial condition is very bad because her husband is now jobless. So Please send me mail with your good sugession and help us to survive.
A:Your relative seems to be having a curable breast cancer. However, a baseline chest X-ray, abdomen ultrasound is a must to rule out any spread of cancer to lungs and liver respectively. If these reports are normal, the treatment of choice will be radical surgery followed by chemotherapy. Depending on size of tumour and number of axillary lymph nodes involved, role of local radiotherapy will be decided. The complete treatment takes about 6-8 months and can cure majority of patients. This treatment is available in government hospitals and charitable hospitals at less cost.