What is the reason for swelling of retina?
Q: There is swelling in my eye (retina) due to which I get some pain. I consulted a doctor, who did an angiography. He told me that it is due to stress and will go away automatically. But after 2 years the pain is still there. I also have vision problem. What is the problem actually?
A:The description of the ailment which you have given is incomplete. It would be appreciated if you could include the FFA findings and also the clinical diagnosis. Swelling in the retina can occur due to many reasons - inflammation, diabetes, infection, past surgery stress etc. The retina swelling associated with stress is known as central serous retinopathy. It is an idiopathic condition and is known for spontaneous recovery and also recurrences. Vision recovery is usually good but may be incomplete if the disease process has left permanent changes in the retina. Pain is usually not associated with it. There can be strain due to vision being less in one eye. It is advised that you should be under regular check up of a retina specialist.
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