What is the reason for continuous bleeding after MTP?
Q: I underwent medical termination of pregnancy (MTP). The bleeding continued for 14 days and after an ultrasound it was found that the termination had not happened completely. The doctor gave me another pill to insert in the vagina and the bleeding lasted for 7 days. The next ultrasound showed that everything is OK and the bleeding stopped. But it started again after 3 days. Is there something to worry about?
A:This is one problem with medical termination of pregnancy - bleeding is not predictable. I suppose you did have an ultrasound scan done before the MTP to ensure pregnancy was indeed within the uterus, and not outside (ectopic pregnancy). If repeat scan has shown complete abortion, then no worry. However, it is better to undergo an internal examination by your gynaecologist to make sure there is no evidence of infection (unlikely if you have not had sex in intervening period). Also, sometimes it is better to get a serum beta HCG done and follow it up to ensure everything is OK.
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