What is the level of normal pus cells in the urine?
Q: I want to know what is the normal pus cells/ HPF in urine of males, females and pregnant women? I also want to know whether lemon is a urinary acidifier or alkaliser?
Pus is a collection of white blood cells and dead leukocytes. It is mostly seen in areas of the body that have become infected. In adults, male or female, the normal range is 2-5 per high power field (HPF). Pregnancy doesn't increase pus cells but the situation is taken more seriously as it may indicate some form of urinary infection. But medicine is not as easy as that - all investigations are to be interpreted in the background of patient's symptoms. Pus cells don't always mean infection. In theory, lemon is an acidifier but can't be used clinically as it will be needed in large quantity.
Know the level of normal pus cells