What is the first sign of failing kidneys?
Q: I am a diabetic for the last eighteen years and 45 years old. I am taking insulin 30/70 mixtard 18 units every morning and at night 12 units. My last six months blood report shows an increasing level of blood urea from 39 to 62 and the serum creatinine from 0.9 to 1.3. Is this a sign of failing kidneys? What precautions should I take?
A:The first test to do to diagnose kidney involvement in diabetes is to test for protein in the urine. In case the routine test is negative, a further special test should be done known as urinary microalbumin. Urine microalbumin is most sensitive test for detecting early kidney involvement. If there is kidney involvement, the different things, which can help, include reducing protein intake, having strict control of diabetes and blood pressure, and also some medicines.
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