What is the cost of surgery for Squint?
Q: I am 19 years old and I have been having squint in my eyes from the age of 5. The power in my right eye is -4.5 and the power in the left eye is -6. The squint is divergent and it embarrasses me a lot as people around me are not able to find out who/what I am looking at. The doctors that I have consulted have said that it is only a slight squint and that it is visible only when I stare at something or when I try to see something that is at a distance from me. Also, during the day my left eye squints and at night the right eye squints. One doctor advised me to pad my eyes. Will that help in curing the squint? My mother is apprehensive about a surgery. Are there exercises that will completely cure it? How much will a surgery cost?
A:You seem to be suffering from an Intermittent Divergent Squint. Treatment is surgical and a thorough assessment and multiple measurements need to be taken for accuracy. Exercises help, but will not cure it. The surgery under local anaesthesia would ordinarily cost between Rs.8,000/- to Rs. 12,000/-
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