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What is the cause throat infection after fasting?

Q: Every year after 30 days of fasting during Ramadan, I get severe throat infection. It itches and I get severe cough. I cannot sleep due to this. As soon as I lie down on the bed, I started coughing. If I take any antibiotics, the cough increases. I haven't taken any antibiotics this year. I am only drinking pomegranate juice. Please advise.

A:If you say throat infection then it can be either bacterial or viral. Since you say it does not respond to antibiotic then chances are that it is viral. The treatment for viral sore throat is mainly symptomatic. As you have mainly throat irritation and pain so lozenges and cough syrups should help. Another corelation that you have mentioned is with fasting and on lying down which suggests reflux. In reflux the acid from the stomach may regurgitate back into the oesophagus and sometimes even upto the throat giving rise to pain,irritation and cough. Consult your ENT doctor.


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