What is nystagmus in children?
Q: From birth my baby aged about 1.5 years is having a problem related to her eyes. Upto 3 months she was moving her eye ball (white part) with much speed in order to identify an object. From then the speed of moving has gradually decreased and now it is much better. On the other hand she was nodding her head upto 7 months and from then she stopped nodding her head and in the 14th month the problem of nodding again started. Earlier she used to see distinct objects by putting her head downwards. This nodding problem occurs especially when she would like to see distinct objects. From the last 1 week it is found that nodding is reduced. We consulted an ophthalmolgist and neurologist and opthalmologist says that it is a problem of nystagmus. Except this problem rest every thing is fine with the baby. We are very much worried about the problem. Kindly provide the remedies and precautions / care we have to take.
A:The child appears to have nystagmus which is a congenital disorder (i.e. present from birth). It may be associated with head bobbing. The child may develop an abnormal head posture to neutralise / minimise the eye movement, which enables her to see better. At this time it is important to monitor the childs visual development, assess for refractive errors which must be corrected. There is no surgery to cure nystagmus, however, when the child is older this head posture may be corrected surgically.
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