What does non-specific ST-T elevation on ECG mean?
Q: I am a 41 years old man and I underwent a routine ECG and the report showed sinus rhythm, left axis, non-specific ST-T abnormality (elevated). Otherwise it was a normal ECG. What does it mean?
A:ST segment and T wave are ECG terminologies and these are arbitrary names given to certain segments of the tracings of the ECG. ST-T wave changes can occur in a number of situations, which are well defined. However some times these changes occur for conditions, which are either ill defined or even they may be compatible with total normalcy and therefore, these changes are called non-specific ST-T wave changes. These could occur, as I told earlier, as a minor variation of normalcy. They could also appear because of electrolyte imbalances, because of any inflammation of the covering layer of the heart and so and so forth. Non-specific ST-T wave changes call for no treatment. At best, may be one can report any symptoms that an individual has to his doctor and get a repeat ECG done after six months to one year to compare the changes. But by far and large, these changes are benign and have no ill connotation.