What does a diamniotic dichorionic pregnancy mean?
Q: My 24 years old wife is carrying twins and she is now 22 weeks pregnant. She underwent a We have taken the scan last week and the doctor told us that she is carrying diamniotic dichorionic twins. Can you please explain me what does it means? Are there any complications? How about the delivery, will that be a normal one or operationa c-section would be required?
A:Well, Congratulations on conceiving with twin pregnancy! Diamniotic dichorionic pregnancy means that both the babies are in separate sacs. They will have separate blood supply from the mother and there is no risk of them sharing blood between themselves. However, dichorionic diamniotic twins are at lesser risk than monochorionic pregnancy. It is good to have diamniotic, dichorionic pregnancy as opposed to monochorionic pregnancy. To answer your question 'what this means to you?' – It will be good if your wife takes supplementary iron preparations and eats diet rich in iron. She does not have to take any special precautions apart from having blood pressure and urine check at regular intervals throughout pregnancy with her doctor. She needs to report if at any stage she starts feeling unwell or has any symptoms. Also - be prepared for complete change of life and sleepless nights once the babies are born!! Compared to women who have singleton pregnancy, twin pregnancy puts women at certain risks such as preterm birth amongst other complications. There are far more potential complications with monochorionic pregnancies in which both babies are in one sac. As far as mode of delivery is concerned, if both the babies are in normal (head down) position, you can aim for a normal / vaginal delivery. However, if the first baby is lying horizontal (transverse) or is breech (bottoms presenting first), then your wife will need caesarean section. This will be determined when she reaches around 36 weeks of pregnancy.
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