What are the uses of the following drugs?
Q: I get chest pain and have been prescribed the following drugs: Atorvastatin, architol (injection), Simvofix, Citro Mecalvit, Citalo, Tryptomer, Calcitriol, Ostium and Escitalopram. What is the use of these drugs?
A:Chest pain is a symptom and not a disease. It is necessary to determine the diagnosis and you need to find out the diagnosis. The medicines prescribed are for various diseases and not for one disease as per details given below: Atorvastatin - meant to decrease cholesterol. Architol (injection) - vitamin D-3 (generally not required in India, since there is plenty of sun light). Simvofix - contains simvastatin - meant to decrease cholesterol but never to be given with atorvastatin. Citro Mecalvit - calcium, D-3 vitamin etc. S. citalo - same as escitalopram, used in mental disorder with lots of side effects. Tryptomer - used in depression. Calcitriol - meant for treatment of osteoporosis and some other deficiencies. Ostium - does not appear on national databank of quality brands. Escitalopram - see above. It is highly improbable that a patient is so unfortunate to suffer from so many diseases at the same time.