What are the reasons for early maturity in young girls?
Q: I am a mother of a 7-year-old child. Why do girls these days have breasts at a very early age and why is the breast size of girls in the present generation bigger? Is there a specific diet to be followed to have a normal size? Is it safe to have broiler chicken as it is injected with hormones? When can my daughter start wearing a bra? Does wearing a bra at an early age help in keeping the breasts in proper shape and size?
A:Early maturity is going on in societies over the last many decades. The causes are not very clear. There are some hypothesis: which include hormones, chemicals form food, much richer diets in general and a bombardment of sex related messages on TV, movies and Internet. All that said, 7 is still very young. I would suggest an evaluation by a pediatric endocrinologist to make sure that there is not any hormone abnormality.