What are the causes of bleeding and spotting during pregnancy?
Q: What are the causes of and remedies for bleeding and water spotting during pregnancy? Can it affect the baby if she gets pregnant next time?
A:The causes of bleeding and spotting during pregnancies are various: 1st trimester (a) Subchorionic hematomas - for which complete bed rest is required (b) Luteal phase defects - for which progesterone injections are given (c) Cervical erosion- normal phenomenon during pregnancy; requires bed rest 3rd trimester (a) Placenta praevia (wherein the placenta is low lying) may lead to spotting or excessive bleeding; requires complete bed rest (b) Placental abruptio (wherein the placenta separates before the birth of the baby leading to heavy bleeding); immediate intervention may be required to ssave the mother and fetus. (c) Vasa praevia (wherein part of placenta overlies the os and tearing of these vessels may cause severe bleeding); may require ceasarean section to save the fetus. The chances of recurrence of bleeding is not very high in subsequent pregnancies. However, utmost care has to be taken; hormonal support may be required with complete bed rest from early pregnancy.
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