What are Orgagest and Microgest used for?
Q: My doctor has prescribed me Orgagest 100 twice daily. I have a 9 weeks old baby and I noticed that after having this I get heartburn. Please tell what is this medicine for and how should I take it - orally or insert in the vagina? Is Microgest 100 mg a substitute for Orgagest?
A:Both Orgagest and Microgest are brand names; both contain exactly the same medicine: progesterone. This medicine is to be taken only if there is documented, proven deficiency of this female hormone in blood tests. Its use during known or suspected pregnancy is contraindicated (totally prohibited). If used during early pregnancy, progesterone can cause congenital defects including cleft palate, ventricular septal defect, patent ductus arteriosus and other congenital heart defects in the baby. Some cases of foetal death and spontaneous abortion have also been reported in pregnant women prescribed progesterone for unapproved indications. Cases of urogenital defects in babies, particularly males, born to mothers who took oral progesterone have also been reported. Female fetuses can suffer from hirsutism (male-like hair at unwanted places such as face, deep voice etc), Some advanced countries like Australia have not permitted the use of oral progesterone for any indication. In India, some producers of progesterone are aggressively promoting the drug as a tonic to be routinely taken during normal pregnancy. In its package insert, a Mumbai-based company is advising doctors to use its brand to help pregnancy, whatever it means. Unfortunately many doctors are either ignorant or influenced by such aggressive promotion.