What are my chances of conception?
Q: I am a 23 years old married woman but have not conceived yet. Last month the doctor advised me a prolactin test which was found to be 129 ug/l. She said that unless it doesn’t come down I couldn’t conceive. Currently, I am taking Caberline twice a week. How long would it take for the prolactin level to come down to around 25? What are my chances of being pregnant?
A:Over 80% of the couples who try for pregnancy do so successfully within one year of trying. It is likely that you may conceive without any further investigation or treatment. There are a number of tests, which a couple have to undergo to identify the possible cause(s) for infertility. From your story it is not clear if you and your husband had any other tests. Raised prolactin level is only one of the many possible causes for infertility. If all other tests are normal and only prolactin levels are high, bromocriptine/cabergoline is the appropriate treatment. Raised prolactin levels may interfere with ovulation and regularity of periods. Because various laboratories have various reference ranges it is difficult to comment upon the levels. It is also difficult to predict specifically how many days it takes for the levels to return to normal. But you may repeat it in a month or so to see if there is an evidence of falling trend in the levels. It is also important to know the reason for raised prolactin levels. The levels are influenced by factors such as breast stimulation, stress and some medications. It is also raised in women with prolactinomas.