What are complex partial seizures?
Q: What are complex partial seizures ? What is mesial temporal sclerosis and can it be cured without surgery? Any side affects with surgery?
A:Epileptic fits are classified into a number of types, one of which is 'complex partial seizures'. This term is used when the fit starts in a part of the body such as one side of the face or one limb and then spreads to involve other parts of the body and eventually causes unconsciousness for a while. Mesial temporal sclerosis is a term based on findings on examination of the diseased temporal lobe by the pathologist, who finds microscopic evidence of 'hardening' of the brain. Nerve cells and fibres are replaced by glial tissue. Surgery is recommended only when adequate and prolonged medical therapy fails and the patient is troubled by frequent convulsions that interfere with the activities of daily living. Performed by a competent and well equipped neurosurgeon in a centre specialising in such treatment, surgery for epilepsy has few side effects. Since surgery involves removal of diseased brain that is the source of epilepsy, there is a small risk of producing neurological deficits such as weakness of the face or hand opposite to the side of surgery. In skilled hands, should such side effects issue, they are short lived.