Shot by a bullet
Q: About 10 years back I was accidently shot by a revolver and the bullet hit to the right side of my stomach which reached the spinal cord (8th) and I got paralised. Now I am using wheel chair. I had been to Germeny before 8 years but could not find proper solution. I would highly appreciate if you could guide me for the best treatment in India with all details.
A:By this time, 10 years after the injury, whatever neurological recovery wasto have occured has happened. The emphasis would be rehabilitation,physiotherapy. If you have stiffness and/or spasms in the lower limbs, yourquality of life would improve if it is treated by drugs. If this is nothelpful then an implanted pump which precisely regulates the flow of thedrug straight to the spinal cord (medical terminology being intrathecalbaclofen therapy) is very effective in reducing stiffness. This treatment isnot to improve the strength of the muscles, but purely to reduce stiffness.